Marie-Jose Kaasenbrood, Partner at OTC International, gives The Rundown community a comprehensive breakdown of critical thinking and how it works as a rational approach to understanding information. She also shares the core components needed to develop strong critical thinking skills and apply them effectively. She’s a fantastic leader and executive coach, so if you would like to get in touch with her let me know.
The Rundown team also created a blueprint on misinformation and disinformation and how to think critically about what stories you are reading or sharing or listening to. There’s a good check list here, for you to keep challenging yourself.
For more videos like this, we need some funds from our community to help us with our mission to learn and share here. 8 dollars a month would be awesome. We would be very grateful as it keep the lights on and pays for editors, graphics and design. We are keeping that stuff a low lift, but it still costs, and we are bootstrapping. Saidia.
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